What We Do
05. We help you Certify Your Projects
Gold Standard Certification
Gold Standard certified projects verify that energy efficiency is provided, carbon emissions are reduced, and local development is contributed. Projects made within the scope of climate action have international validity after they pass the Gold Standard approval. With our project portfolio, we offer you to finance global emission reduction/avoidance projects that have received Gold Standard approval. In addition, you can get Gold Standard approval to certify the emission reduction values of your renewable energy projects.
VCS Verra
The VCS standard was developed to balance the greenhouse gas emissions corresponding to metric-ton carbon dioxide emissions with the help of the energy obtained from the renewable energy source. VCS, an internationally applied standard, focuses primarily on emission reductions. It provides more affordable validation and verification while maintaining compulsory quality levels and legal obligations.
I-REC Certification
I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certification) credits are an internationally valid structure designed to support renewable energy generation facilities in the international emission reduction mechanism. Renewable energy facilities (solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, biogas, landfill gas, etc.) can convert each megawatt-hour (mW/h) of energy they produce into certified credits by passing inspections of I-REC standards. Institutions and organizations can switch to renewable energy usage by obtaining an I-REC certificate for each unit from the facility per mW/h electricity consumed. With the service we provide in this context, we enable you to purchase I-REC credits according to your electricity consumption amounts and supply your energy from renewable sources.
GCC Certificiate Standard
Global Carbon Council Certificate Standard is the first voluntary carbon offsetting program of the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region. GCC purposes to help your business’ transform into carbon neutrality and a low-carbon economy while reducing the negative impacts on the environment and society and contributing to UN SDGs. We provide GHG emission reduction projects by purchasing approved carbon credits through a marketplace for buyers and sellers. Our team ensures your organization finds solutions to create opportunities and enter carbon markets for climate action.
SROI (Social Return on Investment)
The social return on investment method allows the project to be quantified in terms of cost and benefit. It is a framework to measure and account for the value created by a program or series of initiatives beyond financial value. It evaluates the theory of change that the project has made on its beneficiaries in terms of environmental, governmental, and social aspects and ensures that it is measured financially. In this measurement process, social construction was created by a range of stakeholders identified as primary beneficiaries.